We have finally finished the long awaited development of the Shoreham Shopping Centre, located in the small but beautiful part of the eastern section of the Mornington Peninsula. This unique development has had a range of challenges to over come from a number of areas, both local and council but we have now completed all aspects of the design, and the centre is open for business. The homes are now available for lease as too are the show rooms, offices and the function centre. Please call or email your interest in any part of this development.   

The Shoreham centre is located South East of Melbourne Victoria, and is surrounded by beautiful natural bushland settings with views back over the bay. The two story centre house's a combination of two bedroom homes, a reception centre, retail shops, offices, a centre display court,along with the original post office and an information centre for tourists visiting the area. The centre's landscaping depict's all of the local and natural fawna, providing a relaxing tranquil feeling for all visitors and staff. For more information on each section of the centre, please send all enquiries to the address on our website. Come on down and visit for a while.